most objects we can cover with wired controllers specially made to pour only a bottle with sealed spout on it which automatically triggers on demand when pouring or by integrated POS system by creating a receipt
pouring alcohol in the bar keeping the guest feeling and experience while limit or even completely restrict potential aware or unaware stealing is not so easy and it depends individually on numerous factors and object type
most objects we can cover with wired controllers specially made to pour only a bottle with sealed spout on it which automatically triggers on demand when pouring or by integrated POS system by creating a receipt
wired spouts
wireless spouts
fixed wall spouts
hidden spouts
controllers has option not only to directly control pouring the bottle with or without integrated POS but has an open interface which we use for real time monitor at place or remote location – for all objects/bars/bartenders/waiters/bottle/quantity/amount/price – all in one BCG system
Big and very crowd places need to have also a durable and flexible systems for pouring a lots of cocktails and drinks FAST. For that we are using only towers which can simultaneously pour from 8 to even 64 brands in the same time keeping the speed. We also combine manual and electrical guns for juices for smaller bars.
All those solutions CAN and MUST be controlled via integrated controllers or added flow meters connected to our BCG system.
Stay tuned for more actions or just drop us several lines on our contact page!